Satisfaction Guarantee
Each painting comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee. Since 2003 ,we ship thousands of paintings worldwide every year.
Where Do We Ship?
We ship all over the world, including China.
Your order will be shipped by express post (DHL/FedEx ). We will send the tracking no. to you after delivery .
Place your order today , and you should receive it at your door within 15-20 business days.
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When you’re walking through an art gallery and ask the gallery owner how much a painting is, you’re under no obligation to purchase it, right? We work the same way. By simply requesting a quote, you’re under no obligation to purchase anything. We’re just letting you know our price.
Before we can create a work of art for you, we’ll need to know exactly what we’ll be painting. Please fill out the form below and we will email you our price and information about how to purchase it if you choose to move forward.
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