100% Hand Painted Oil Painting Reproductions, Museum Quality Masterpieces!


Payment Options

Accepted Payment Methods

We are happy to accept the following methods of payment: 


Paypal  or Pay via Paypal with Credit Cards, ATM, Debit, Check Cards - American Express, MasterCard, and Visa.

When is My Order Charged?

During checkout, you are no required to pay online instantly, just submit your order without payment directly .

You pay when we contact you . We will contact you for payment after receive your order information shortly . 

Each order is important to us , our professional staff will contact you ,one-on-one service .  

As our paintings are handmade, before we begin working on your painting, we need to know that you have the means to pay for it. However, keep in mind that all paintings ordered from Angel Art House are backed by our 100% money back guarantee.

For orders of $5000 or more it is possible to make an electronic wire transfer. Please contact us for further details.

Questions and Concerns

Should you have any additional questions about payments, please contact us.