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Established in 2003, Angel Art House is one of the world's leading oil painting studio, with thousands of satisfied customers. Our museum quality oil painting reproductions are 100% hand-painted by professional artists with many years of experience creating oil painting on canvas art reproductions. Why settle for a print, poster, giclee or canvas transfer, when you can grace your walls with a beautiful handmade oil painting reproduction of famous artists. All of Our Oil Paintings, Worldwide Free Shipping.
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Take a tour of the one of the world's leading oil painting studios, with thousands of satisfied customers, including the rich and famous, major real estate developers, hotels, restaurants, museums, internationally renowned interior designers, and, most importantly, individual art lovers worldwide!
If you want a hand-made, reproduction of an amazing piece of art, or if you’re looking to turn a photograph into an original oil painting, Angel Art House is the best.
All of Oil Paintings from Angel Art House are 100% hand painted by a talented artist. We start with a blank canvas and paint in the traditional way, using only the highest quality oil paints, brushes and specially-coated linen canvas . All paintings are done in Angel Art House to ensure the highest quality standards .
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